1. 课程内容
• 如何在一篇简历中展现你的经历,怎样才能让简历更吸引人。
• 你的哪些经历可以展现在简历中,哪些可以展现在essay中。
• 什么样的推荐信对你最有帮助。
• 如何选择素材,才能让凸显自己的特别。
• 如何以英文的思维写出自己。
• 博智经典文书案例学习解析。
2. 课程目标
• 掌握文书写作素材的挑选原则和文书写作技巧。
3. 参加前需要准备:自己写的英文版简历和文书稿(如果已经写了的话)。
4. 主讲老师:王文静老师
• 曾任博智资深留学文书老师,现任博智托福教学负责人,潜心于托福教学。长期在美国学习和从事研究以及培训工作多年的经历让她深谙美语习俗和美式文化思维。在其任文书老师期间,擅长深度挖掘学生个性特点,贴合学生性格和经历本质进行写作。清晰的思路、深刻的挖掘和出色的文笔,帮助众多学生获得了Dream School或者顶尖商学院的录取,其中包括沃顿、Columbia、Kellogg、NYU等名校MBA,以及Rochester金融硕士、 UIUC会计硕士等等。
本课程为价值3800元商科Master DIY Workshop 课程中的一部分,现收取部分费用
Ø 非学员参加本课程需要支付880元课程费用并可获得1200元博智留学1对1申请评估
Ø 博智(GMAT,TOEFL,IELTS课程)学员参加尊享学员价680元(不可用积分抵扣)
路线 : 1号线,2号线,8号线,人民广场14号口出
1、预约电话:021-6135 9599
Imagine yourself as a young professional , confident , energetic and shouldering responsibility to help an international pharmaceutical client resolve difficulties encountered in China market and come up with strategies which are essential to their international expansion . Imagine yourself as flying to a Southeastern Asian country , working with colleagues from different nationalities , and meeting with high-level government officials to discuss their national tourism development blueprint . Imagine yourself as transferring to work in Los Angeles from Shanghai , having a heated brainstorm session with a senior management team from a global food company to prioritize the growth opportunities which are vital to their market leader status . This sounds like a fairly exciting story , but it’s exactly what I have experienced as a consultant with XXX Group.
We at XXX are head hunters . Our success is defined by finding the best candidate for clients within the shortest time. In the same token my personal success is defined by the success I bring to the clients . One example is placing a China Regional Manager for a US Air Traffic Management (ATM) company last year . I was XXX’s Researcher on the project , working with one Associate and one Partner . ATM was such a novel industry for us that we did not have any existing database for it in XXX , That allowed me the Researcher to be the driving force on this case since I was the one doing all the market and candidate research .