












l  用词要难一些,最好选择单词书上的难词

l  句子要长一些,多用从句,每个句子争取写到三行

l  考场拼命写,写到500字一定高分

l  开头和结尾段要用模板

l  背熟机经和机经样文



l  逻辑清楚

l  论点清晰

l  语言偶尔提亮



1. 不管你要讲的目标内容是什么,都要讲正例和反例,描述正例中好的地方,反例中需要避免的地方




Do you think your should make sure others (your leader or colleagues) know your strength and accomplishment, because it is the only way to be successful?


It looks like an odd topic at first thought. What kind of people will deliberately hide their strengths and accomplishments? Isn’t it taken for granted that we always let people know what we are good at? Giving it a little more thought, however, you realize not a lot of people are good at marketing their strengths and accomplishments. It is either that they are shy, or that they don’t think it is worth boasting, or that they assume other people should know their strengths simply by hanging around them. But that’s not true. 【前面几句给出这个题目会成为一个争议的背景,也为自己的后文论述做下铺垫】Without our own deliberate effort, often our merits go unnoticed. We should all do better on marketing ourselves because it is essential to a successful life.


A successful life often entails doing what we are good at and what we like, living a comfortable life, and feeling good about ourselves most of the time. Advocating our strengths and accomplishments can help us achieve all these goals quickly.





First, it can help us get into works that we like and we are good at.【为什么--》】 Opportunities are always rare to come by. To make things worse, those in charge of talent selection or job staffing are not always the most informed about who’s the best candidate. --》为什么】The reason is simple, no one knows the person more than the person himself. --》如何做】If the decision maker is provided with information on the candidates’ strengths and weaknesses from the candidates themselves, he will be able to make good decisions that benefit not only the work and also the person selected. 【举例--》】My company has a programmer called Bob, who often goes around commenting on the graphic designer’s work. He even jumped in to help design a few webpages. Knowing his passion and strengths in webpage design, our manager asked him to design and program the new learning management system. --》总结例子点题】Bob become a one-person design and development center because he advocated his strength.


And we never leave out money when talking about success. <--段落之间变化式衔接】   --》建立因果关系】Telling other people your strengths and achievements has a direct link to your paycheck. --》为什么】 Think about it—companies are always willing to pay for real talents. And the bigger a company is, the more it emphasizes the importance of human capital. --》原地围绕展开论述】In the work place there are usually two ways to get a raise: bump up your performance evaluation scores or simply get a job offer elsewhere. --》重提和分论点的因果关系】You cannot achieve either of these without selling hard to people what you are good at and what you have achieved. --》重申分论点】The rule of thumb is to do good work and make sure your manager knows about it, so you will get promotions and bonuses to guarantee a comfortable life for you and your family.


Of course, money is not all when it comes to success.【继续变换方式进行段落承接】  -->提出第三个分论点】We also want to feel good about ourselves—ultimately every measure of success counts into this subjective feeling. --》建立因果关系】To feel good about ourselves and what we have done, we need to be recognized for what we are good at, what we have achieved, and how great we are. --》继续巩固因果关系】 The source of this good feeling lies in other people’s judgments, but we are in charge of feeding them the necessary information to make judgments in our favor.--》举例,三岁孩子都会,你不会吗?】 Even a small kid in kindergarten knows to show off his smiley face sticker to his parents after behaving well at school, so that his parents will praise him and hug him. --》反向论证,假如不这么做会怎么样】Should he have waited for his teacher to write his good behavior in the school report a month later, the recognition wouldn’t have come in time to boost his feelings about himself. --》总结段落论证,点题】Obviously it is critical for us to make the other people know our merits if we want to feel good about ourselves.



