Methane, which has long been counted among the greenhouse gases that are implicated in global warming, comes both from natural sources such as bogs and from a host of human sources, including coal mines, leaking pipelines, landfills, and rice paddies.
(A) that are implicated in global warming, comes both from
(B) that are implicated in global warming, coming from both
(C) being implicated in global warming, comes from both
(D) implicated in global warming and coming both from
(E) implicated in global warming, that come both from
题目分析:读完A之后觉得A逻辑比较通顺,并且写的还是比较像小荷才露尖尖角的(上来先说发起者,加入插入成分,再说动作),留着。B用from both应该是两种来源进行并列,如果用B的表达形式就是both一个地方and from另一个地方了,不并列,干掉。C和B犯的错误类似,干掉。D用and coming,可是前面没有与coming并列的成分,干掉。E连谓语都没有,干掉!