Because an oversupply of computer chips has sent prices plunging, the manufacturer has announced that it will cut production by closing its factories for two days a month,
(A)Because an oversupply of computer chips has sent prices plunging,
(B)Because of plunging prices for computer chips which is due to an oversupply,
(C)Because computer chip prices have been sent plunging, which resulted from an oversupply,
(D)Due to plunging computer chip prices from an oversupply,
(E)Due to an oversupply, with the result that computer chip prices have been sent plunging,
题目分析:A读起来还是比较通顺的,留着。B选项中那个which is 的表达方式即使和A在意思上一样明显多余,干掉。C犯了和B类似的错误。D说起来比较通顺,先留着。E那个with the result that读起来比B的表达方式还要恶心,干掉,而A和D进行比较我们发现这两个选项意思的重点不一样,A的重点放在价格下降上,D强调的是下降的价格,重点放在价格上,根据意思我们知道,应该是价格的下降导致生产商关门的而不是价格本身,选A。